Video: Black Diamond nForce Ascender

The innovative Black Diamond nForce generates clamping power from both sides for more force than anything out there-plus less wear on your rope-giving you the best grip for jugging icy, muddy ropes.

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<div class="ratingblock"> <div id="unit_long21118"> <ul id="unit_ul21118" class="unit-rating" style="width:100px;"> <li class="current-rating" current="5.00" style="width:80px;">Currently 5.00/5</li> </ul> </div> </div>
Length: 1:04
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Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 1 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 2 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 3 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 4 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 5 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 6 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 7 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 8 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 9 from the video

Black Diamond nForce Ascender - image 10 from the video

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